13 October 2012

Fast Leveling Guide for Wow Patch 5.0.4

Patch 5.0.4 is right around the corner. ... If this is your first visit, make sure to check out Guide for a quick leveling guide here. Now that you know where to go and at what levels to go there, realize that there are other items at play as well. Fast Leveling Guide for Wow Patch 5.0.4 Leveling quickly takes a lot of planning and there are several things you can do to speed it up. Buying Legit Wow Gold, Here are just a few of them.

Make sure you keep lots of back space for items. Not having to travel back and forth to towns before you are ready can save a lot of time.  Put your off-spec and PVP sets in the back while leveling and sell anything you don’t need whenever you are in town getting new quests so that you don’t have to come back before your next set of quests are done.

Carry food, water, bandages, potions, elixirs, flasks, and any other consumable you may need.  This sounds obvious but many people forget about it.  Having that little bit extra that food and elixir/flask buffs provide can help you out leveling faster, and potions can save you from a graveyard run.  Food, water, and bandages can keep you in the action longer as well.

Log out in an Inn.  Make sure you log out at an inn for that extra rested experience any time you can. cheap wow gold us,  It is something that can speed you up significantly and is completely free.

With patch 5.0.4, this system is being placed in WoW as well.  In addition, spell penetration has been replaced by the new PvP power stat on existing items. If you are a tank or healer pick a spec that you can solo with as your off-spec, and make sure you are geared for it ahead of time. This will greatly speed up your leveling. Even if you are a DPS player, consider an off-spec that will allow you to level faster and with less downtime, for example while I play a marksman hunter most of the time, I find beast master easier to level with since I never die and my pet can hold 2-3 enemies with ease.

For New Characters only: If you are leveling a new Monk character get as many +experience heirloom items as you can. Cheap wow gold Eu, Fast Leveling Guide for Wow Patch 5.0.4This does not apply to leveling above level 80 or 85 though (depending on which items) as they stop granting bonuses at those levels.  Up to either 80 or 85 though the items can make a huge difference in your leveling rate.  It is worth collecting them now for new characters so that you have them ahead of time.

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