07 June 2012

Dungeons and Raids Achievements Information in World of Warcraft

Dungeons and raid achievements is just a parts of world of warcraft, many wower get wow gold, weapons or other wow items through Dungeons and raid  achievements in wow. But the dungeons and raid achievement can be some different in different patch or expansion in wow. so I will list down some dungeons and raid in wow cataclysm and in the mists of pandaria. One thing you should remember is that that not all end-bosses have quests for killing them, so it is still necessary to have completed instances like Blackfathom Deeps after the achievement system was enabled to get that achievement.

Dungeons in Cataclysm

Blackrock Caverns
Location: Blackrock Mountain
The Blackrock Mountain makes its return in Cataclysm with a new dungeon (and a raid). After the incredibly long Blackrock Depths and Blackrock Spire, the Blackrock Caverns are being introduced to the game. The Caverns were created by Deathwing himself when he decided that it would be convenient of the Blackrock Mountain was connected to the Twilight Highlands, the Twilight Hammer's "base." So the Aspect of Death dug through the continent itself and creates a large cavern-like network. The area is inhabited and guarded by warriors and spellcasters of the Twilight Hammer, as well as powerful elementals, and corrupted Earthen.

Grim Batol

Location: Twilight Highlands
Protected by the Red Dragonflight until recent years, the cursed halls of Grim Batol have been retaken by the Twilight Hammer, Deathwing, and the Old Gods. The Reds are trying to regain their ground in the ancient corridors, but the armies of Twilight are numberless, and their defenses - seemingly impenetrable. But the burdens will be great for those brave or foolish enough to venture into the heart of the Twilight Hammer. A small group of Reds and Earthen Ring shamans will await you and your group at the entrance, explaining the gravity of the situation you all are in. You will need to rescue several red dragons from their tortures, defeat some of the cult's strongest generals, and finally face Erudax, a powerful servant of the Old Gods. To add even more spice to the fight, you will find him in a room of eggs laid by Alexstrasza herself... and Twilight eggs around them. The shackles that once chained the great Aspect of Life still linger on the floor, reminding the heroes of Azeroth of the price of failure.

Raids in Cataclysm

Baradin Hold
Location: Tol Barad
Baradin Hold is the main prison on the Tol Barad Island. In the game, it is similar to the Vault of Archavon; Baradin Hold is only available to the faction that controls Tol Barad, and is also a one-boss encounter (VoA launched as a single-boss raid, Archavon, as well). Baradin Hold's only boss will be Argaloth, a demonic Pit Lord. Chances are, future patches will introduce additional bosses much like Wrath of the Lich King did for Vault of Archavon.

Blackwing Descent
Location: Blackrock Mountain
The Blackrock Mountain, historically a place hated by most players, makes its return in Cataclysm with a new raid (and a dungeon). Designed as a continuation of Blackwing Lair, Blackwing Descent will be a place rich on lore and history, but with new layout and bosses. The final encounter of this raid will be none else, but the resurrected and now undead children of Deathwing - Nefarian and Onyxia.

Dungeons and Raids in mists of pandaria

For starters, there will be 9 new dunegons, six across Pandaria itself and three heroic versions of classic instances, namely Scholomance and two updated wings of the Scarlet Monastery. The new dungeons will include the Stormstout Brewery, where you work alongside Chen Stormstout himself.

There will also be three raids at launch featuring the Mogu and the Mantid races, and Raid Finder will be integrated into every raid at Mists of Pandaria's launch. World raid bosses will also be included.

I just list down parts of the Dungeons and Raid in Wow, If you want to get more information about that, please follow our wow news at www.fedexwowgold.com

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