18 April 2012

Which Character Does Better Dps, Warlock Or Shadow Priest 4.3 ?

In world of warcraft patch 4.3, both warlocks and shadow priest are good at dps. It seems hard to tell which character does better dps while at high levels.To help players find one which suits them most,Goldeur.com listed out the difference between them.

It depends on what you want to do and how much Wow gold in your wow pocket, Shadow Priests are decent in BG's but you generally won't have a peeler like you will in arenas so melee will wreck you in that case. So I'd personally go Warlock if you want to be a DoT class as then you could peel for yourself and still be quite the irritation for everybody else.

Warlocks definitely have better DPS. While Shadow Priests do decent DPS, you don' t take a Shadow Priest for DPS; You take it for their utility (+5% damage, +10% Shadow Damage, health/mana regen).

If you're adding Devouring plague in a 30 second fight, you also need to add Death Coil and three Shadowburns for the Warlock, which are another 60 dps or so before crits.

Well, if we're discussing a battle between a warlock and a priest it's not a battle of who has more DPS, it's a battle of who outlasts the other. Both the priest and the warlock cannot do their full damage because of:

Warlock dots will be dispelled, unless the priest is feared
Warlock will be busy casting fear and other spells
Warlock will get silenced
Warlock will use mana drain

Priest won't be in shadowform
Priest will be feared/seduced/spellocked and unable to cast anything at least half of the time
Priest will use manaburn

Now to the question they both do good as long as you know how to play the call. And you said you liked high damage that is more of a warlock but since they are harder to master but not impossible I suggest a Priest but if you are up for the challenge go warlock.Whichever character you choose, just remember to choose the one which can benefit you most while playing.If you need more wow guide or buy EU gold news,just enter Goldeur.com to get your desired information.

More Related Information:

http://www.fedexwowgold.com/mmonews/  wow gold and wow guides

http://www.goldeur.com/eurwowservices/  eu wow gold and wow guides

http://www.diablo3goldteam.com/news-list.htm  diablo 3 gold and diablo 3 guides

Tongzhouseo May0418

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