15 April 2012

Mists of Pandaria Hunter Pet Plan In World Of Warcraft

As he suggested at BlizzCon, we will be able to take any hunter pet we want and choose whether to make it ferocity, cunning, or tenacity. So you can have DPS turtles and tanking kitties.Let's see the Mists of Pandaria hunter pet plan in world of warcraft.

Here's what Ghostcrawler had to say about pet talents going the way of the manhood of the elven races.
1. Every pet has 3 specs: Ferocity, Tenacity and Cunning. These work much like class specs, with a similar UI.
2. Pets come with the spec you'd expect (Ferocity for kitties) but you can change it. If you want a tanking cat or a DPS crab, you can.
If you have a favorite pet, you can just always use that one and swap the spec around.
3. I hope to see A LOT of DPS crabs.
4. Each spec comes with 2-3 active and 2-3 passive abilities. We took a careful look at what pet talents most hunters were taking and tried to take the best of those players who buy Wow Gold EU. Things like Roar of Sacrifice, Last Stand and Heart of the Phoenix made the cut.
5. We didn't think we were getting a ton of gameplay out of the pet talents on live -- players interacted with them even less than the class talents -- and we didn't think pets needed the full tiered system like the Mists talent implementation, so we decided the best way to offer pet customization is to let hunters choose their pet mostly because of how it looks (and its one special ability) and not from its role.
With two to three passive and two to three active abilities per spec, our pets will still have most of the abilities that most hunters use now (and many passive damage abilities may well just be wrapped up into the pet spec balance). For hunters who do crazy stuff with their pets -- extreme soloing and pet tanking -- the loss of many of the rarely used specials may reduce the number of available targets.

There might have been a better way
The reason I'm disappointed about this change is that I feel the same goal -- removing bad choice traps -- could have been accomplished in a better way. It feels a bit like Blizzard identified a broken system and rather than fixing it, just threw the whole thing out.

Ditching the current system -- a good thing
If you want a DPS pet, there is an optimal way to spend the pet talents to maximize the effectiveness of your pet. The rest of the talents make it appear like there's choice, but really they're just a trap to try to trick you into spending your pet talent points foolishly. (This is less true for BM hunters, who have the extra Wow Gold and talent points that they get to make a handful of actual decisions.)

Removing this kind of poor decision trap is in keeping with the spirit of many of the changes in Mists. The idea here is that skill shouldn't be measured on your ability to look up the best spread online but should instead have to do with your ability to play well. So removing the current pet talent system is something that needed to happen.

Rather than removing pet talents entirely, I wish Blizzard had given us a limited number of talent decisions like it did with our class talents. Something that enabled us to make a choice that was a meaningful decision, that let us not only customize our pets but not make every ferocity pet be exactly identical to every other ferocity pet. I discussed the possibilities of a system like this in the MoP pet talent possibilities article many months back.

As much as I'm disappointed about the lack of customization options for our pets, I'm still very excited about hunters in Mists. We're ditching minimum range, gaining stampede and a host of other sweet abilities. Tons of problem abilities are being fixed.On the whole, Mists is still looking like an awesome time for hunters. Just not so much for our pets.By the way, you can check fedexwowgold.com if you need cheap wow gold from online stores.

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Tongzhouseo May0416

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