16 March 2012

How could tanking design be changed And Why PvP gear isn't necessarily a stupid idea

Tanking is designed around holding threat and using abilities to stay alive.The current paradigm,wherein tanks work hard to passively gear themselves for predictable incoming damage in order to make healing them easier, has its drawbacks. Tanks usually ignore stats that contribute to threat generation (to a degree that baseline threat generation has repeatedly been increased,currently sitting at five times damage dealt by the tank), which has led to the discussion of active mitigation in the tank design of Mists of Pandaria.The goal is to make tanks desire threat generation stats such as hit and expertise by making them not just threat stats,Get safe and cheap EU Wow Gold but also to tie them into survivability.

By making threat gen stats also generate resources that are used to actively mitigate incoming damage, the goal is to make tanks want those stats, rather than simply aiming as close to complete coverage of the combat table as they can get, reducing incoming damage to something as reliable and easily anticipated by healers as possible.Tanks currently value dodge, parry, and their mastery stats well over any potential threat generation from hit and expertise.

Since we've already seen quite a bit of the Mists of Pandaria talent calculator, we know that design of the new tanking system is probably fairly well advanced.We also know that the monk, another tank/DPS/healing hybrid class, will be debuting with the expansion. Therefore, it's worthwhile to examine tanking changes that could be implemented, even to stretch our vision of tanking significantly past where it is now and most likely past where it will go in Mists.

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On the few occasions when I can be convinced to do a gear post for bears,I've generally shied away from including PvP gear.This is actually a complete turnaround from our situation in The Burning Crusade, when Arena gear was an absolute godsend due to the bear's desperation for critical strike reduction. The now-vanished talent Survival of the Fittest (the modern Thick Hide) gave us flat 3% crit reduction, and then we had to scrounge the last 2.6% in the interest of not being stomped into oblivion by a raid boss. Not surprisingly, most players wound up using a few pieces of PvP gear to reach the all-important crit cap,because resilience reduced your chance to be crit in PvE as well wow gold And Diablo 3 Gold.

But ever since that changed,I soured on the use of PvP gear in PvE. Resilience is now completely wasted in PvE content,you can't reforge it, and you'll only ever get one other secondary stat on PvP pieces anyway.

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